Saturday, October 07, 2006

"A Joyous Occasion"

Last week I made my first step in the PC(USA) ordination process. Having been a member of San Marino Community Church for 6 months I was now allowed to go before Session (the elders of the church) and be voted on whether or not I could go "under care" with SMCC.

Before I could meet with session there was a large task that had to be completed...the actual Inquirer application. The application was quite intimidating including a detailed personal yearlong budget and 9 essays with questions such as, "What does it mean to be Presbyterian?" or "Describe the Trinity." Not all questions were quite that in depth--but they all did force me examine different aspects of my self and faith and why I was beginning the process of ordination. Once I got into writing I learned a lot in reflecting and educating myself more on the reformed tradition.

Finally the application was finished and I was ready to meet with Session. I was surprised to realize hours before the meeting I was growing more nervous. I eventually decided to sit down and try and relax in the quiet moments before I had to leave. In those moments God reminded me of a lesson I have struggled to learn for years... Becoming an Inquirer is not another achievement or accomplishment, it is a step in the process of discernment of God's call on my life. It wasn't about how well I wrote my essays or articulated myself...instead it is joining with the church body and the regional Presbytery body to discern together.

With that reminder I set off for the church and my nerves calmed. I arrived early and listened to an hour of the session meeting before they reached my part on the agenda. I had never been to a meeting like that--it was neat to see how committees of the church function . As Jeff (the head pastor) introduced me to the session he commented that the next item on the agenda was "a joyous occasion." He then asked me to share with session of how I had arrived at the point starting the ordination process. I shared a bit of my story. The session didn't have any other questions so I was sent outside while they voted. After 10 or so minutes an elder came to get me. As she escorted me back to the members they all began clapping. Jeff announced that they were excited to have me go under care with SMCC and even agreed to give some support financially! I was assigned a liason from session (a mentor type relationship) and she escorted me out of the meeting.

I still have 2 more steps to go through before I can become an Inquirer--a psychological evalutation and a meeting with the Committee on Preparation for Ministry of my Presbytery. I have no idea if I will complete the process of PC(USA) ordination but I do feel called to at least begin the process. The time with San Marino was indeed "a joyous occasion" as I was reminded that this process is not about me at all--but it is instead a communal effort of discerning future leadership for the church and that night was a great picture of communal support.

1 comment:

Jenny said...
