Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Neighborly Love

My apartment's balcony overlooks the front yard of a quite eccentric houseful of people. My favorite is the guy who is the aspiring rock star...I often get to hear band practice with not so good guitar or drum solos. There are frequent loud conversations in their front yard--sometimes a party, sometimes an argument... There's always some kind of activity. I haven't spoken a whole lot with my neighbors--just a wave from time to time when I sit on the balcony.

One day when my roommate Julie was out on our balcony one guy from the house told her that he hoped her tomato plants were okay. He had been watering his own plants when he decided that the tomato plants needed water too. He pointed his watering hose from his yard across the fence, mailboxes, and sidewalk that separate our living places and aimed at our second story balcony and watered the tomato plants. Odd, yes. But sweet too--because he was showing us neighborly love in the only way he knew how.

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