Well I truly am overdue for a post--thanks for pointing that out Sarah. First of all, THANK YOU to all of you who have been praying and encouraging me over the last month. It was the most study filled month I think I have ever had. Between ordination exams, Hebrew, and candidacy stuff there truly wasn't much time for fun. Hence my new motto--more fun in February! The ordination exams are over and I won't find out how I did until March 24th. Based on my initial feelings, I could have passed them all or failed them all...I was strong on certain questions and weak on others. Now it's up to how gracious the readers are feeling. I do know that I finally passed the Bible Content Exam. I looked up every answer once I had turned the test in and know that I got enough Bible trivia questions right to pass. So yay for that!
My candidacy stuff is going well. Both Session and CPM have passed me on to become a candidate. On March 11th I'll go before Presbytery. The process has been so encouraging as so many people have affirmed the call on my life to be a Minister of Word and Sacrament. I still don't have a clear picture of what exactly the road looks like, but it's pretty clear that the ordination path is part of it for me. It's hard to believe that as early as this fall that I'll be looking for a job. That is so exciting and yet a bit scary all at the same time.
And Hebrew, well, let's just say it's really not the best experience I've had at Fuller. Between frustration with the textbook and teaching style, I'm really ready for this quarter to be done. 10 more Hebrew classes left!! That means I am more than halfway done with the class and sadly still don't know a whole lot more than "Shalom." But I am praising God over and over for Bible translation software--those resources are amazing!
Other things going on my life last month... getting our grant report for SLP out--we'll soon start planning the next conference. And I began my church internship. I am getting used to ministry in the environment of a church--definitely different than a hospital context. It's not better or worse--just really different. So far I've been able to participate in various aspects of worship leading, make some pastoral phone calls, and help out with the New Member's Class. On March 30th I am preaching for both services--that should be interesting, for sure!
And MORE FUN IN FEBRUARY. I realized after last month was over that I was longing for more balance in my life. So for Lent, I am committing a full 24 hour period each week to have a Sabbath. I'm still praying through and researching what exactly that means for me, but for now I'm understanding it as a time for rest and renewal. A time with friends, a time in solitude, and a time intentionally spent with God. We'll see how it goes! I hope it can be a spiritual discipline that remains part of my life long after Lent is over. Other fun things that happened, my friend Kristen E. from college came to visit me in CA which was a blast, I met the new UR president at a swanky alumni cocktail reception, weekly potluck dinners have been reinstated, some trips to Chik Fil A have been made (a rarity in LA), some fun tea dates with friends, I'm getting back into the gym routine, and I even saw the ocean a few times. I'm looking forward to celebrating Valentine's Day with my girls as we continue our tradition of "Secret Valentines" and will end the week by seeing The Color Purple at the Disney Concert Hall. I'm also excited to have Robin and her daughter Alyssa (friends from Houston Cursillo) visit during part of my Spring Break when I preach. So there's my life in the last month in a quick nutshell. I'm hoping to be way better at updating this thing soon! Hope each one of you is well. And thank you again for your kind words and prayers last month--they really made a difference!