Friday, May 05, 2006

Seminary Playground

Last Thursday my Foundations small group headed out to Lacy Park to enjoy the nature and sunshine and cram in two small group sessions. Spreading out picnic blankets and cookies, my group forged ahead to discuss the monastic life--the first assigned topic of the day. We then began the next section--the assigned course reader. The reader consisted of a number of articles about the nature of the gospel and the church. I was the assigned leader to this session. I began the session by asking who had actually read the entire reader. Turns out only one of our 6 member group had!
I decided to lead the group in some share time instead--doing a high/low type activity. After sharing there were 20 minutes left in our time together. I brought out the reader again and asked the group if they wanted to attempt to discuss it. Just then we all heard the laughs and screams of children playing on a nearby playground. Simultaneously we had the same idea... In an instant all six grown adults (ages 23-26) raced towards the playground. We jumped off the swings, scurried through tunnels, hung upside down on the monkey bars, rode the rocking horses, and even had sprint races. Fifteen minutes later we were out of breath--and rejunvenated.
Seminary is hard--academically and emotionally. At the 6th week of our Third Quarter we were as one group member put it "mentally exhausted." The way the quarter system is set up we only have a week between winter quarter and spring quarter (unlike the 3 week Christmas break between fall and winter quarter). The newness and excitement of moving to CA and being in seminary had worn off. As an second year student put it--"you can't run on adrenaline through all of grad school." Don't get me wrong--I am still glad to be at Fuller and learning...but the energy level has worn down a bit. I am sure that course reader had tons of insight to offer, but on this particular day our group needed to laugh, run, and more than anything--play!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer,

Well, you seem to be a busy girl. I have called you numerous times in the last few days to wish you a Happy Birthday, but have been unable to reach you. I think it may have been since I was driving back to the mountains, that I couldn't get a connection half of the times. :) But I hope you had an awesome birthday!
I actually was catching up on reading your blogs. Let me tell you they are extremely entertaining and you've made me quite jealous. I wish I could be basking in the CA sun.
I feel like I can especially relate to this blog. We are almost done with our first year of medical school and let me tell you that I am thoroughly exhausted, but I agree with you in that what I am learning is stimulating "academically and emotionally." However, I can't believe the first year is over. Time sure is flying by. I wish I could take a break and come play with ya.
Well, girl let me know when you're back in Richmond. We have to catch up - I miss my best friend!

Jennifer said...

Aw thanks Neha! My cell phone hasn't shown that you called so the connection must have had issues. But I will try and call you in the next few days to catch up. Miss you!