Sunday, March 26, 2006

"Growing Up"

This is a picture of "JMo." In my Sculpture class senior semester senior year I had to create a self-portrait sculpture. Obviously my sculpture skills weren't very good as you see JMo, but I posted the picture for the meaning behind JMo. I ambitiously began the project to make a girl jumping with wings. I wanted to use Kelly Clarkson's song "Breakaway" and make my self-portrait taking a leap of faith and learning to fly. I was about to finish college and anticipated the huge transition that the next year would bring. However, the night before the project was due, as I was finishing JMo I could not artistically create the vision I wanted. Instead I created the above sculpture. Minutes before class I still did not have an explanation of how JMo represented me. When my professor called on me, I rambled about how JMo was wearing a fancy dress and looked grown up (well as much as duct tape can!). I said I identified with JMo because I often felt like I was playing dress up. I would appear grown up or do grown up things--but yet on the inside sometimes I still felt like a scared little girl.
As this quarter closed I realized how much that spontaneous last minute sculpture truly fit the place I am at right now. Seminary is filled with academic challenges but it also has brought me the challenge of growing up. I suppose it all comes with graduating college, moving 3,000 miles away, and starting grad school... I can't really put into words the process that I've gone through and continue to go through but I appreciate the challenge of this time and the people that have and continue to walk alongside of me through it.


Anonymous said...

I definitely can relate to your comment about why the sculpture represents you. I feel very similar at the moment and just am not sure how everything will work out after graduation.

Continue enjoying beautiful CA. Richmond is finally starting to look like springtime.

Anonymous said...

Now that I have an account, I must say... I love you friend, but JMO was a mess. I wish everyone couldve seen the other artworks. But I still love you.