I have to preface this by saying this idea was stolen from Sarah. There are so many things that I am thankful for this year and what a cool way to share them...Here is what I am thankful for, from A-Z:
Apartment—I moved into a large spacious apartment this fall and it is wonderful!
Bed—I was given several gifts including a very comfy bed, desk, and several assessories when moving.
Cursillo—A joyous weekend filled with AMAZING people, healing, prayer, and most of all—God’s love.
Disneyland—The happiest place on earth that I now live an hour away from.
Education—It’s such a blessing to have the opportunity to attend Fuller and to learn in the classes and with the professors.
Fellowship—I have a great small group of girls that formed this fall. We’ve enjoyed getting to know one another throughout the first quarter.
Gilmore Girls—A fabulous TV show that I identify with all too well.
Healing—Crohn’s Disease has been gone from my body for almost 3 months!
Ipod—a fun device that lets me experience the power of music anywhere.
Job—I have a low stress, well paying, interesting job working the front desk of a psychiatrist’s office.
Kettle Corn—One of the many foods that I love and can eat post surgery!
Los Angeles—I have discovered a new excitement and love about living in this city. From the warm weather to the culture to my community—I now call it home.
Meals—Some of the most special times this year have been spent around the dinner table when friends shared home cooked meals together.
Nooma—a fabulous series of DVDS done by Rob Bell that has messages of God in ways I’ve never heard before.
Ocean Sunsets—Nature speaks incredibly powerfully to me. This year I saw my first ocean sunset in Malibu.
Prayer Garden—The place where I first felt God calling me to Fuller. It is my favorite place on campus by far—a beautiful tranquil garden that I love to escape to pray.
Quirkiness of my Friends—I have a great group of friends to walk through life with at Fuller that never cease to make me laugh.
Restaurants—How fun to explore the many new restaurants in Pasadena and spend hours in old favorites like Moe’s.
San Marino Community Church—My new church home. I love the people and watching God transform SMCC.
Therapy—From my family therapy class to individual therapy—it’s one of the best things that’s happened to me.
Unexpected Financial Provision—Throughout the year I received several unexpected financial donations that help me continue to be at Fuller.
Verizon Free Minutes—I’m not sure how else I could stay in touch with people from the East Coast without Verizon’s free minutes.
Water—Whether it’s Santa Monica, Malibu, the Gulf of Mexico in Texas, or even Sophie’s pool there is so much fun to be had by water.
X-tra Good Health Insurance--$30,000 later my stomach is healed…and 100% covered by health insurance.
Youth Group—I’ve loved helping out with the youth group at SMCC, such great kids and amazing ministry experience.
Zephyr’s—My most frequented study spot in Pasadena by far. This funky coffee shop has helped me drink a lot of chai and write a lot of papers.